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You can easily format paragraphs in PowerPoint. To apply paragraph formatting to all text in a text-containing object in PowerPoint, click its border to select its object editing mode. Alternatively, to show all paragraph formatting options in PowerPoint or apply paragraph formatting to only selected paragraphs, click into the text within the object to place the object into its text editing mode. Then click and drag to select only the paragraphs to format. You can hover your mouse pointer over any button in this button group to see a screen tip that shows its name and function.
Try the PowerPoint Course for Free! Try It Free! Instructions on How to Format Paragraphs in PowerPoint: To apply paragraph formatting to all text in a text-containing object in PowerPoint , click its border to select its object editing mode. Alternatively, to show all paragraph formatting options in PowerPoint or apply paragraph formatting to only selected paragraphs , click into the text within the object to place the object into its text editing mode.
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